SVA 90 and SVA 95 — unsere neueste Generation von tragbaren Geräten


SVA 90 and SVA 95 — unsere neueste Generation von tragbaren Geräten SVA 90 and SVA 95 VibroAnalyzers - SCHENCK RoTec GmbH

SVA 90 and SVA 95 — unsere neueste Generation von tragbaren Geräten

Der SVA 90 ist ein handlicher, dreikanaliger Schwingungsanalysator mit Drehzahleinheit, der es ermöglicht, den Zustand von Maschinen und Wälzlagern mit charakteristischen Gesamtwerten zu bewerten. Dieses Gerät hilft Ihnen, kostspielige Ausfallzeiten zu vermeiden.

Der SVA 95 ist ein vierkanaliges Gerät zur Schwingungsanalyse mit Drehzahlmessung, das mit einem Multitasking-Tool zur Analyse Ihrer Maschinen ausgestattet ist. Das Gerät verfügt über alle Funktionen, die Sie in der Praxis benötigen könnten. Es ist ein universell einsetzbares Messgerät, das sich ideal für die schnelle und einfache Datenerfassung auf der Strecke, die Überwachung des Maschinenzustands und das Betriebsauswuchten eignet.

SVA 90 und SVA 95 VibroAnalyzer

Das kompakte, leichte und tragbare Schwingungsanalysegerät eignet sich ebenso ideal für die effiziente, streckenbasierte Datenerfassung wie zur Analyse von Maschinenzuständen. Mit ihm steht Ihnen ein ausgewiesener Experte zur Seite, dessen Know-how sich perfekt an Ihre Anforderungen anpassen lässt.

SVA 90 Basis Kit:

Der SVA 90 wird mit 3 Eingangskanälen und TACHO für Geschwindigkeitssonde/externen Auslöser geliefert.

Meter Mode (nur SVA 90).
Dieses Modul umfasst die folgenden grundlegenden Schwingungsmessungen:

  • Grundlegende Schwingungsmessung
    - Bietet eine Ampelanzeige der Schwingungswerte auf der Grundlage der voreingestellten Grenzwerte.
      Die Farbanzeige entspricht der Norm ISO 10816.
    - Gesamt- (RMS) und Spitzenwerte werden in den folgenden Frequenzbereichen verschoben: Geschwindigkeit
      (10 Hz - 1000 Hz) oder Beschleunigung (0,5 kHz -25,6 kHz))
  • FFT Spektrum
    In mm/s (RMS) mit 3 maximalen Spitzenwerten (2 Hz - 200 Hz)
  • Verschiebungswerte
    Verwendet den folgenden Frequenzbereich von (2 Hz - 100 Hz)
  • Zeitsignal
    - Verwendet für Wälzlager (0,5 kHz -25,6 kHz)
    - Vibration in RMS für Getriebe/Lager in den folgenden Frequenzbereichen
      (0,5 kHz -1,5 kHz), (1,5 kHz -5 kHz), & (5 kHz -25,6 kHz))
  • Temperatur
    Anzeige in farbigen Bereichen mit IR-Temperatursensor

Bei diesem Modul handelt es sich um ein Expertensystem zur automatischen Erkennung von möglichen Maschinenfehlern. Es zeigt die folgenden Fehler an:

  • Gesamtzustand der Maschine
  • Gesamtzustand der Lager
  • Schwere des Unwuchtfehlers
  • Schweregrad der mechanischen Lockerheit
  • Schweregrad der Fehlausrichtung
    Zeigt über Text an, ob der gefundene Zustand gut ist oder die Schwere des Fehlers oder liefert ein Geschwindigkeitsspektrum, das am unteren unten auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt.

Stroboskop (SVA 90 only)
Dieses Modul "friert" die Bewegung der Maschine visuell ein und überprüft die rotierenden Teile

Diagnostic Center Basic
Diese Software ermöglicht den Anschluss des SVA 90/95 an den PC zur Berichterstellung.

SVA 90 Software Optionen

This module allows the user to set up a coast down or runup measurement.

  • The measurements can be taken based on multiple situations such as by speed change, time change, as soon as possible, etc.
  • This feature helps the user see where resonances in their machine are located allowing for additional analysis or balancing to be performed.

Data Collector
This module is used for day-to-day data collection of your factory machinery. Simply create your route tree with measurement points using the Diagnostic Center Standard software and take the measurements regularly. Transfer this collected data back to the Diagnostic Center to analyze the data and trends.

  • Unlimited number of routes
  • Up to 12 measurements per point
  • Up to 3 vibration measuring points, plus speed reference (Simultaneously measured)
  • Data review on site possible
  • Off route measurements are possible
  • Diagnostic Center Standard
  • Customized Reports via PC

This module allows the user to select the type of measurement from simple overall values to detailed FFT’s and time wave forms. In addition, the user can perform more advanced measurements with proximity probes such as orbits.

  • Real-time FFT
  • Demod/envelope analysis
  • ACMT – low speed bearing analysis
  • Order Analysis
  • Orbit Measurement
  • User Band Pass Analysis
  • Frequency Range: 0.5 Hz - 25 kHz (64 kHz sampling)
  • FFT Resolution: Min: 100 lines, Max: 25,600 Lines
  • Fully simultaneous for 3 channels
  • Crest Readings
  • Time signal measurements
  • Phase Shift
  • DC Measurements
  • Centerline Measurements
  • Smax
  • Overall Measurements

Field Balancing
This module allows for balancing equipment in situ, both in the field and during final assembly, providing a quality product.

  • Multiple balancing types such as Polar (0-360
    degrees), component, and fixed weights
  • Flexible Visualization of balancing: polar plot and table overview
  • Optimizing the final vibration level at the two bearings supports in an early stage while balancing in a single plane
  • Allows for Rotor setting to calculate balance quality according to ISO 1940

This module uses a microphone (sold separately) to allow for the measurement of sound inaudible to the human ear.

  • Typical applications that benefit from the use of ultrasound measurements are air leak detection, electrical arcing, or early bearing fault detection.

This module is a unique measurement mode allowing you to “record” the raw signal from the sensor i.e. the raw signal from the machine.

  • The Recorder allows you to then post-process the signal later on the unit.
  • The user can perform the post-processing on the same raw data multiple times.

Diagnostic Center Standard
The Upgrade from Basic to Standard allows for additional cursor functions when analyzing the data on the PC. The Standard software also allows for the creation of Routes and is needed when the Data Collection module is added.

Diagnostic Center Pro
The upgrade to the Pro version of the software allows for the management of custom report templates and the use of the bearing and system database.

The Smart VibroAnalyzer 95 is the most powerful vibration analyzer currently on the market.  — You name it, the SVA 95 can do it!

SVA 95 Base Kit:

SVA 95 comes as a 4 Channels + Speed unit

This module is an expert system for automatic detection of possible machine faults. Displays the following faults:

  • Overall machine condition
  • Overall bearing condition
  • Severity of unbalance fault
  • Severity of mechanical looseness
  • Severity of misalignment
  • Displays via text if the found condition is good or severity of fault or provides a velocity spectrum displayed on the bottom of the screen.

This module allows the user to select the type of measurement from simple overall values to detailed FFT’s and time wave forms. In addition, the user can perform more advanced measurements with proximity probes such as orbits.

  • Real-time FFT
  • Demod/envelope analysis
  • ACMT – low speed bearing analysis
  • Order Analysis
  • Orbit Measurement
  • User Band Pass Analysis
  • Frequency Range: 0.5 Hz - 25 kHz (64 kHz sampling)
  • FFT Resolution: Min: 100 lines, Max: 25,600 Lines
  • Fully simultaneous for 3 channels
  • Crest Readings
  • Time signal measurements
  • Phase Shift
  • DC Measurements
  • Centerline Measurements
  • Smax
  • Overall Measurements

Field Balancing
This module allows for balancing equipment in situ, both in the field and during final assembly, providing a quality product.

  • Multiple balancing types such as Polar (0-360 degrees), component, and fixed weights
  • Flexible Visualization of balancing: polar plot and table overview
  • Optimizing the final vibration level at the two bearings supports in an early stage while balancing in a single plane
  • Allows for Rotor setting to calculate balance quality according to ISO 1940

Advanced Balancer
This module, available in the SVA 95, supports advanced balancing process enabling up to eight (8) plane balancing.

This module uses a microphone (sold separately) to allow for the measurement of sound inaudible to the human ear.

This module is a unique measurement mode allowing you to “record” the raw signal from the sensor i.e. the raw signal from the machine.

  • The Recorder allows you to then post-process the signal later on the unit.
  • The user can perform the post-processing on the same raw data multiple times.

Bump Test
This module enables the user to find the resonance frequency of a machine by "bumping" the machine with a mallet.

Lubri - Greasing Control
This module is used in the lubrication replenishment process and measures the actual lubrication condition of a bearing.

This module is designed for listening of vibrations.

Octave Analysis
This module is designed for sound measurements.

This module is a unique measurement mode allowing you to “record” the raw signal from the sensor i.e. the raw signal from the machine.

  • This module is equipped with an optical camera to allow the SVA 95 user to capture images of the machine they are working on.

Thermal Imaging
This module is a unique measurement mode allowing you to “record” the raw signal from the sensor i.e. the raw signal from the machine.

  • This module provides an image capture of the temperature on a machine.
  • The IR camera (sold separately) can be connected to the SVA 95.

Diagnostic Center Basic
This software allows for connection of the SVA 90/95 to the PC for Report Generation.

SVA 95 Software Options

This module allows the user to set up a coast down or runup measurement.

  • The measurements can be taken based on multiple situations such as by speed change, time change, as soon as possible, etc.
  • This feature helps the user see where resonances in their machine are located allowing for additional analysis or balancing to be performed.

Data Collector
This module is used for day-to-day data collection of your factory machinery. Simply create your route tree with measurement points using the Diagnostic Center Standard software and take the measurements regularly. Transfer this collected data back to the Diagnostic Center to analyze the data and trends.

  • Unlimited number of routes
  • Up to 12 measurements per point
  • Up to 3 vibration measuring points, plus speed reference (Simultaneously measured)
  • Data review on site possible
  • Off route measurements are possible
  • Diagnostic Center Standard
  • Customized Reports via PC

Diagnostic Center Standard
The Upgrade from Basic to Standard allows for additional cursor functions when analyzing the data on the PC. The Standard software also allows for the creation of Routes and is needed when the Data Collection module is added.

Diagnostic Center Pro
The upgrade to the Pro version of the software allows for the management of custom report templates and the use of the bearing and system database.



Mehr Effizienz bei Entwicklung und Prototyping von Rotoren

Zuverlässige und effiziente Auswuchtprozesse für alle rotierenden Komponenten eines e-Antriebssystems in der Entwicklungsphase helfen, Lärm und Vibrationen zu reduzieren sowie Fertigungs- und Betriebsprobleme zu vermeiden.



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